Torelli Realty's Excited to Announce New Principal of TeWinkle Intermediate School

Welcome_AppleTorelli Realty is excited to announce TeWinkle Intermediate School's new principal, Kira Hurst.Kira was selected as principal after a community forum held at the school and an online survey to gather input about the attributes they would like to see in their next principal. Parents and staff of TeWinkle school also interviewed Kira as part of their recruitment process. Everyone voted, and agreed Kira would be the best leader to administer the needs of the school.

Kira's background includes many years teaching Social Studies and Spanish at both the middle and high school levels. She had much involvement in extra-curricular activities both in coaching and ASB. Most recently she was an administrator at the Huntington Beach Union High School District. There she specialized in Special Education, Activities, Guidance and Supervision. She also has quite an international background as she lived twenty-eight years overseas, first as a student, later as an educator for the Department of Defense Dependent Schools. Kira has two sons and has been a Costa Mesa resident for over eleven years.On Tuesday, August 27, 2013, she is scheduled for her approval by the Board of Education. She is excited to assume her new role at TeWinkle on on Wednesday, August 28, 2013. Welcome Kira!