Updates on the Costa Mesa Real Estate Market and Living in Costa Mesa
“To love what you do and
feel that it matters-
how could anything be
more fun?”
Katharine Graham
We hear it all the time, “What is the market like?”
I often am asked this question, but it is always a snap-shot in time that I am answering to…almost like a vacuum. This week, this month? There is a short -term answer and the long term, regardless if the home is in Costa Mesa, California or in Boise. I am inclined to and often answer that with a question back.
“What are you looking for in a home?” It seems so simple, but not so. A good investment, yes, but this is more than a stock’s performance, this is a place you spend at the minimum a third of your life. What does that look like to you? What do you want your home to say about you? And one of the ultimate questions to ask yourself is: “What do I get out of this home?” Let me explain further….
When we buy our daily cup of coffee/latte do we ask what we get out of it? Rarely, we just indulge. Yet almost every transaction I have been involved in comes the example question…. if I invest XXX in new cabinets will I get my money out of it? YES, you will. Every day when you come home you will indulge yourself in an improvement you enjoy, that you use everyday, in a greater fashion than the cup of coffee to which that question is never asked by oneself. A long term play if you will. Investing in yourself. That is a market worth liking.
We love what we do and representing the public in the sale of Costa Mesa Real Estate has been a passion of mine for over 30 years. We give back to the community by donating to the local schools, providing the coding programs in several of the elementary school and are the sponsors of the famous citywide events throughout Costa Mesa. A total of over $500,000. Our passion for giving back to our city and its citizens has made us the indisputable leader in sales every year for over 30 years in Costa Mesa Real Estate Sales.
Valerie Torelli
Founder Torelli Realty
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