United Neighbors Caring - November 14, 2011

From the United Neighbors Caring Newsletter Sent November 14, 2011

 TOWN HALL MEETING AT POMONA SCHOOL A SUCCESS There was an overflow crowd listening to police explain the status of local crime and gang activity and hear how important it is to volunteer to help the police, give young people activities to do after school, learn about getting prepared and organize each neighborhood so neighbors can communicate with each other and the police can communicate with specific neighborhoods when needed.It was encouraging to see such a good response as attendees volunteered to help make our Costa Mesa Westside safer for everyone.  REMEMBER THE GOAL IS TO HAVE A NEIGHBORHOOD WATCHING COMMUNICATION NETWORK IN EVERY COSTA MESA NEIGHBORHOOD A neighborhood watching communication network in an area indicates there is a Key Contact or Key Contact team in the area the police can reach quickly if needed. This team is the center of a phone and email communication network in the area. If the area is larger than a block, there are Street Contacts covering every street able to communicate with each other and able to get a message out to every area neighbor quickly if needed. FACEBOOK VIRUS WARNING CIRCULATING AGAIN, VIRUS STILL ACTIVE Do not open any message with an attachment called: Invitation FACEBOOK, regardless of who sent it. It is a virus that opens an Olympic torch that burns the whole hard disc C of your computer.  This virus will be received from someone you had in your address book ..http://urbanlegends.about.com/b/2008/12/05/koobface-facebook-virus.htm

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