Tips To Improve Energy Efficiency This Spring
Spring will soon be approaching and with the start of a new season comes the chance to find new ways to save on your energy costs. We have listed a few simple ways you can improve energy efficiency this spring while maintaining a comfortable environment in your home as the warmer months approach.
1. Service your air conditioner. Replacing or cleaning air filters in your air conditioner are easy ways you can lower your cooling system's energy consumption by as much as 15%. The first day of spring, March 20th, is a good time to remember to check your air condition's evaporator coil. This is something that should be cleaned annually to ensure the system is performing at it's best level.
2. Open windows. Opening the windows in your home will allow for a cross breeze, a simple way to cool your home without needing to turn on your air conditioner. The best time to do this is during the spring while temperatures are still mild, or during the evenings in the summer.
3. Use ceiling fans. Ceiling fans will allow you to raise your thermostat by four degrees. Having a higher thermostat while cooling your home by ceiling fans can help to lower your electricity bill without sacrificing general comfort throughout your home.
4. Cook outside. On warmer spring days, keep the heat out of your home by using an outdoor grill instead of indoor ovens. When the temperatures outside are pleasant, consider cooking outside with an outdoor grill instead of indoor ovens. Keeping the heat out of your home and using a propane grill helps to lower energy costs by not turning on large indoor appliances.
5. Install window treatments. Blinds and shades are excellent forms of energy efficient window treatments that cut heat gain as temperatures begin to rise. Additionally, they can help improve the look of your home and allow for increased privacy.
6. Caulk air leaks. Use affordable caulking to seal cracks and openings in your home that keep the warm air out. Keeping the warm air out helps you to keep a comfortable temperature inside of the home.
7. Bring in sunlight. Turn off lights inside the home during the day and instead allow natural light to bright your home through the windows and skylights.
8. Set the thermostat. When you are not home, set aprogrammable thermostat to a higher setting during warmer days to help reduce your energy costs by 10%. The home can be at a warmer temperature if you or your family are not home.
9. Seal ducts. Be sure to deal and insulate ducts to help lower your energy costs. Air loss through ducts can lead to high electricity bills, and account for almost 30% of your cooling system's energy consumption.10. Switch on bathroom fans. Bathroom fans are a great option to help eliminate heat and humidity from your home and are easier on the wallet than running your entire air conditioning system.