Special Thanks to Starbucks #9162 at Harbor Blvd. & Adams Ave. in Costa Mesa

We’d like to recognize and express our appreciation for a local partner that has helped to make many of our Costa Mesa community events resounding successes -- the Starbucks at 2701 Harbor Blvd. (at Adams Ave.). Over the years, our local store has generously provided coffee and manpower for many of our community events, including Snow Land, Egg-citement and the Mesa Verde Classic Charity Golf Tournament, which will be held once again on MLK Day next month.  Starbucks Coffee Company encourages each of its individual stores to make contributions to the community, and the Starbucks at Harbor and Adams, led by store manager Donovan Soto, goes above and beyond to give back to the city of Costa Mesa. It is no surprise Soto was recently nominated for manager of the quarter from among more than 100 Starbucks in the area.“Not only do we contribute by donating coffee, but we also deliver our personal effort and time,” said Soto. “It’s easy to write a check, but that rarely connects us with our community, so we instead provide other means of area support and local involvement.”Donovan and his team will partner with Costa Mesa United and Torelli Realty on Mon., Jan. 21, at the 8th annual Mesa Verde Classic Charity Golf Tournament, with proceeds benefitting Costa Mesa United. Starbucks will keep nearly 200 golfers and volunteers caffeinated by providing coffee at the fun-filled event.The store also spends extra hours volunteering and supporting Adams Elementary School’s music and recycling programs while still finding time to brew the ultimate latte. We look forward to continuing our longstanding partnership with Starbucks, Donovan Soto and his team.