Mistakes To Avoid When Hiring A Moving Company

Moving is stressful, no matter how excited you may be to move into your new pad.  Finding a new place, selling your current place and then having to pack up everything you own- it can be a lot to handle!  Choosing the moving company to haul your precious belongings might not be that high up on your list, but it might be something you consider putting a little bit more time into.  After all, you are entrusting them with all your and your family's possessions.Even if you do manage to snag the best rated company in town, there is always the reality that something may go wrong.  However, we are happy to let you know there are a few things you can do to prevent unnecessary stress come moving day.  Keep reading for the top 6 mistakes to avoid when hiring a moving company, and click this link to read the full article.

1. Waiting too long

So you wait until the weekend before your move to make those calls to moving companies—after all, who cares? Well, if you procrastinate on your search, you won't leave any time to do adequate research and get estimates. That means you might not get the best rate (spoiler: Moving's expensive!), and worse—you could get scammed.