Short Sales Are Selling in Costa Mesa!
Currently about 30% of the Costa Mesa real estate market consists of short sales. While short sales used to be considered anything but short, they are now a more streamlined process. To get a better idea of the fact that short sales are selling, we’ve compiled a list of just some of the short sales that Torelli Realty has sold in 2012 to date:
Sold Short Sales:
-3236 Michigan, Costa Mesa-2229 Wallace, Costa Mesa-2984 Jacaranda, Costa Mesa-16 Alcira, Irvine-3229 Montana, Costa Mesa-3606 S. Ross, Santa Ana-2854 Serang, Costa Mesa-2741 Cardinal, Costa Mesa-11 Wild Goose, Newport Beach-20301 Bluffside #412, Huntington Beach-20331 Bluffside #203, Huntington Beach-139 Morristown, Costa Mesa If you have any questions about the short sale process, please contact us at 714-540-7355 or