How To Organize Your Own Neighborhood Watch

We all deserve to live in a safe community where you don't have to worry about going on a walk by yourself or letting your kids outside to play.  One great way to foster a danger-free neighborhood is to start a neighborhood watch program with the members of your community.  A neighborhood watch program is an organized group of people working to prevent crime in their neighborhood.  Keep reading to learn more about how to organize your own neighborhood watch program and click this link to read the full article.

"Neighborhood watch programs are one of the most effective crime-prevention programs in the country," says Justin Lavelle, a safety expert for BeenVerified, an online background check platform. "When neighborhoods and law enforcement come together to discourage and prevent crime, it makes our communities inherently safer."Neighborhood watch works because it reduces opportunities for crime to occur in the first place—rather than trying to change the criminal’s behavior or motivation."With that in mind, here are some tips for getting your own neighborhood watch on the grid.

1. Get to know your neighbors

"Knowing the people that live next door and down the block from you can help stave away unwanted activity," says Lavelle, who suggests people get outdoors and walk through their neighborhood. "Be friendly and greet others who are engaged in yardwork, have small kids, or are out walking just like you. Knowing people by sight will help increase the feeling of safety in your neighborhood."Welcoming new neighbors and attending block parties is also a good start toward building a solid community, he adds.