Don't let Major Home Repairs Surprise You.
The largest investment you will likely ever make in your life is your Home. As large as aninvestment as it is, you must protect your property to keep its value up.
Think about this; through seasons, we battle varying weather conditions. Ifneglected, our houses are susceptible to damage caused by sun, wind, cold, and rain.These in turn could cause uncomfortable living conditions, loss of property value,and more. So, to retain comfort, value, and avoid costly repairs, preventativemaintenance should be done regularly.For most homeowners, spring and summer are the best times to make a fewchanges at home. This way you won’t have to battle with harsh weather conditionswhile you’re de-clogging the gutters or replacing the roof.Naturally, after a few years of living in your home, the list of home repairs willgrow, and of course, you can’t do everything all at once. First of all, it isn’t cheap, andsecondly, there won’t be enough time to do it all together. To help with this list tryand rank things according to their importance. Below are 3 things that should bechecked regularly to help avoid expensive repairs:
Check the roof when you can.
The roof over our heads takes the most damage season after season. It’s also thepart of the house that most of us take for granted and we don’t inspect it as often aswe should. If ignored, a loose ceiling tile can turn into a very costly repair, and if astorm hits it could even cause extensive water damage to the property. Be sure toinspect your roof often and have anything repaired now before it becomes a muchlarger problem down the road.
Regular HVAC maintenance.
One thing that ensures comfortable living is our Heating and Ventilated AirConditioning system or HVAC for short. It ensures the entire family is comfortableregardless of weather conditions. Sometimes we are so used to our climate controlsystems that the only time we remember it needs maintenance, is when it breaksdown. It’s important to have your HVAC checked regularly; it needs to be lubricatedand inspected for leaks to prevent costly repairs. If your system seems to breakdown too often, maybe it’s time to replace the old unit with a new, higher efficiencymodel that costs less to operate and maintain.
Drafts, caused by faulty insulation.
They can come from a number of places and may vary from faulty or old insulation,to broken window seals or access holes around the base or roof of a home. Draftswhich are not addressed immediately can lower a home’s energy efficiency and maycause harm to both the home and its occupants. For example, moisture from dampmornings can cause damage to the interior and may give way to mold. Dust, dirt, andpests can easily get in the home and cause further damage. Those who have allergiesor asthma are the most vulnerable to this problem. With the proper insulation foryour home you can increase comfort and prevent potential damage to your homesstructure. If you suspect a draft, have a professional inspect your home. It may becostly at first, but repairing drafts now can help save a lot of money in the long run.It’s easy for homeowners to become complacent about the state of their home. Weusually take it for granted. However, we must remember that our home will alwaysbe the most important investment we make in our lives, and taking proper care of itwill ensure a better return on our investment.
So, when was the last time you showed your home a little Tender Loving Care? Comment below.