Bike Safety Hitting the Streets Feb. 19 and Feb. 24
Huntington Beach has teamed up with Newport Beach, Costa Mesa and Laguna Beach on a bike safety campaign. On Saturday, February 19 and February 24, 2011 the cities will be increasing the number of patrols to help enforce the rules of the road for both bicyclists and drivers. The campaign hopes to prevent the amount of accidents between cars and bikes. Be on the lookout for more officers in areas where bike riding is popular.In the beach cities that's likely to be along Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) and near the downtown shopping areas. In Costa Mesa more officers will likely be on duty on the roads leading to the Santa Ana River Trail and Back Bay, near Tewinkle Park and by other local sports fields. Do you know what the most common causes of these accidents are?According to The Current, the biggest collision factors are:-Bicyclists who don't stop at traffic lights or stop signs-Cars who don't stop at lights or yield at intersectionsThis campaign is a great public safety measure... Remember to drive safe and ride safe!What do you think about this campaign? Please feel free to leave your comment below.*See more photos by Rawich at